Many of the vendors at market will have specials this weekend, or items that you will not find at anywhere else, and what better way to start than giving the gift that keeps on giving? It's a plant, of course! And we have just what you need, here's some gift ideas --
Our popular tropical Hollyhocks are just at the perfect stage right now...showing open color, with lots of buds to open soon. This long lasting flowering perennial is the perfect choice for someone that loves the uncommon.
Mitch is standing next to the Miss Pixie dwarf varigated thornless Bougainvillea that has been lovingly raised for a topiary look. We only have 2 and both of them would be a great buy for someone that loves Bougainvillea but doesn't want the thorns and is EZ to maintain in a sunny spot.
Succulents are getting more and more popular as people look for low maintenance plants that can withstand the heat and humidity of our summer.
These lovely bowls have a mixture of Senecio and other special sedums.
Bromeliads are the perfect plant for someone that wants some long lasting color in a shaded areas, whether in the ground or in a container. Bromeliad blooms can last as long as 3 to 6 months, don't even need soil, just some good misting twice a week.
Everyone loves this time of year when existing Caladium bulbs in their garden start popping up, and we have a great selection to begin or add to your shady spots. Caladiums are low maintenance, and the blooms last a super long time, plus the plant multiplies each season. You will have blooming all Spring-Summer through the Fall, when they will hibernate and the best news, down here in Fla, you don't have to pull up the bulbs.
Got a gal in your life that's a Hibiscus fan? We have 2 colors that are not commonly found..the solid Gator Orange, and the Double white.
Hibiscus love sun, very hardy once established and a good spritzing with the hose once a week on their foliage keeps the critters away.
Lavenders are always popular and we have 4 different types right now. Yes, you can grow lavender over the summer...just put them in a spot that gets the first half day of sun, or if all day, they are getting some dappled shade over them. They do not like to be too wet and love good air circulation around them.
We've got all these and much more too, so hope you stop by our booth at Saturday Morning Market, downtown St.Pete and check out our plant selection, and also encourage you shop around the market for other special finds that will make great Mother's Day gifts.
In closing, we always like to share what we have blooming around our own yard, and here's a sneak peak --
Mitch found an old pot of these bulbs just starting to bloom, down at the nursery property a few weeks ago and they have been blooming magnificently ever since. These are about 3 feet high stalks.
Epidendrun Orchid, this the very deep orange variety, not commonly found.
Mitch loves Desert Rose and he collects a lot of rare ones. With the heat and not much rain lately, they are blooming like wildfire.
Pink Mandavilla - with extra large leaves and blooms, this is going to be a focal point on one of our fences.
We found this geranium at show this past spring --the leaves look very much like citronella geranium leaves, and the flowers are 2 toned --definitely not a common variety.
Annie is starting to get into doing Succulent container gardening, which is a lot of fun and a good way to be creative in the garden !
Annie's secret garden hideaway...she stashed some of the Hollyhocks during the week to give great splash of color to this calm spot for hanging out.
Our Mother Bougainvillea.....the Red/Orange variety, not commonly found and she has survived 4 years of windstorms and other calamities. The breadth of the top right now is about 7 ft. and she is trained as a tree standard. Recently, she provided a home for a young Mockingbird family who built the nest within the thick foliage and produced 2 babies that are now getting their flying wings under control.
Recently, we started (again) working on that dreaded strip of land between the sidewalk and the street, an area so many of us have challenges with.Since it's technically City property, not a good idea to spend too much money on planting, and this Yellow lantana is a great way to spruce up the area for reasonable cost and provides one more specimen for our Butterfly population.
In closing, next weekend, we will be down at the Annual Hibiscus Festival in Punta Gorda, so we will not be at Market Sat. May 18th, but we will return for the closing day of the regular season,Sat. May 25th, then it's on to participating at the Summer Saturday market in Williams Park.
Also, our plan is to have our annual Spring Garden sale at our house after Punta Gorda show so stay tuned for details ! Have a great weekend and don't forget to cherish the special women in your lives !
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