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Friday, December 28, 2018

Happy New Years from Armstrong Nursery

Greetings all, and as we wind down 2018, we look forward to the New Year of 2019 as you do, as one of renewed energy and spirits and great possibilities for your gardens !

We have had a very full year of weekly markets and seasonal plant shows and we so appreciate our customers, that come out time and time again to support us.

Looking back at the year, we continue to feel that we are offering what you are asking for, what you need, and what you search out for.....the rare, the unusual, the hand-picked specimens, the new hybrids and all of them, healthy and happy and looking for homes.

Mini Succulents and Cacti continue to be very very popular, House and Shade plants have really been on the uptake, the exotic tropicals continue to be very popular for people looking to add a spot of color or drama to their gardens, and of course, Butterfly gardening continues to be huge..we love our butterflies, and our bees and our perennials, passion vines, Cassias, Bougainvillea and more, fitting the bill to serve our wild life.

Saturday Morning Market, downtown St. Pete continues to be our Mother Ship, so to speak...we have participated in the Market since it's beginnings in 2002 and we continue to be proud of the growth and spirit that has added to the emerging downtown St. Pete area these past years.   In essence, Sat. Morning Market is truly our family and a place and idea that has permeated our lives for a very long time.    Over the years, we are happy to say that we continue to have a growing "regular" customer base that know are plants are great and to be trusted, and that we love what we do, and they know we want to work with them to have the best possible experience with any plant that is purchased from us.

We are also very happy to see, many many new people who have just found market, or, a great tide of visitors to our area for short time visits, as well as snowbirds that greatly help our economy during the Fall and Winter times.  We are truly blessed to keep this Little Nursery That Could going despite challenges in the economy, constant challenges to our product and machinery and vehicles, and ever-present Weather changes that impact us all.

We are also truly blessed to have a team of helpers that year after year, have been there for us on Market and Botanical Plant Sale days.  It's just Mitch and Annie during the week doing the workload of getting plants, tending and watering, TLCing, loading/unloading, keeping our equipment and vehicles up, but on Market days and Show dates, we have a trifecta in Susan, Larry and Jeremy who are there to fuel the Market day, plus occasional pop-ins of Super Wendy, Super Alan, Super Elaine, Super Oliver, to name a few, that fill the gaps and help keep our booth going.  As they say, having a plant nursery is a 24/7 job, and although "Market Day" is "Show Time", there's lots of work before and after.

And we can't forget how lucky we are to have wonderful fellow nursery people that provide great product and support us all year long. Most of them are small family owned nurseries such as us, and we are always welcomed in as friends and they do a great deal to support us. 

So winding down at the end of the year, it is always important for us to recognize people and places that keep us going...and despite our aging years, we are still here, and still rarin' to go.

Bless all our Followers, and our Customers, our Helpers and Mother Nature, the Winds and Guidance of our departed love ones, and spirits in the Stars, that continues to watch out for us. 

We will be celebrating the end of the year at Sat. Morning Market this Saturday, Dec. 29th, and as always, we will just keep coming back !

Mitch & Annie 

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