We love the diversity of our town and we are happy to celebrate in that diversity and the joy, the hard work, the efforts of so many people that contribute to our Big Little city (as I call it!), as we all continue to strive to get along, support one another and flourish.
So, lets talk plants, cuz that's a universal language !
You know we love to search out plants, new plants, unusual plants, interesting growers who are doing their own thing on a small scale (I think you know by now, big, large growers, the ones that supply big box stores..the ones that really don't care about the plants, they are only putting it there for you to buy the other pricy garden stuff....ok, enough ranting..but its true)....
Anyhoo, when we "buy" plants, it is important to us that we work with people who are like-minded..they are small businesses just like us, and they are dependant on people like us to survive..and our deal, we want to hand select. Now, I will preface this by saying, yes, once in a while, we go work with one large nursery (in the spring time), that grows wonderful colorful perennials that are popular with our customers, but 99% of the time, you are getting plants from us that we have hand selected..we spend loads of time on the road searching them out, and we spent loads of time in nurseries, going from greenhouse to greenhouse looking for the best and the healthiest...basically, this is what we love, this is what makes us tick, this is who we are.
So, when a customer comes up with a particular succulent or cacti, or a hanging basket, or a blooming vine, we recognize each and every one...it's personal, we know every plant and we have selected it just for you !
So, forgive me for getting off the track...so this week, we found a wonderful nursery that grows gorgeous Begonias and Lipstick Plants..they are their "thing" and they put tons of time and love into them and boy, we had a great time picking some out for you, our customer ! And, this weekend at market, you will see the beauties we found for you.

And, we found some gorgeous varigated Begonias....excellent house and porch plants, to die for !
And less we forget, the heart and soul of our operation, fantastic Mini Succulents and Cacti
So, we hope you get down to Market this weekend, downtown St. Pete...we set up around 8am and stay while customers are still there up to 2pm. And while you are there, check out all the awesome shops and restaurants and Pride Happenings this weekend.
We are thankful you shop Local, we are incredibly grateful that you support Local, thank you for supporting us to keep on doing what we are doing !
Here's the scoop:
Williams Park Summer Market
Downtown St. Pete
Bordered by 3rd and 4th streets north between 1st and 2nd Avenue south
Parking: lots of street parking and there are cheap parking garages right near by
50 Plus vendors - Produce, specialty food products, artisans and plants
Live music, shade under the Old Oak Trees - Safe environment
Market hours 9am-1pm (but we stay open later if you are still there !)
Happy Pride, Happy Gardening, Come visit Mitch and I and our community market family.
Mitch Armstrong Nursery
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