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Friday, June 26, 2015

Celebrate Pride in our City this weekend at Market !

This is a very busy weekend here in St. Pete as the whole city gears up to celebrate Pride weekend with parades day and night, and big things happening along the Grand Central area, the Beaches and Downtown.

Our beautiful Tibouchina heteromalla at right just started blooming her heart out yesterday and she is ready to come to Saturday Summer Market tomorrow !

If you have not seen our post this week yet, check our blog entry from yesterday and you will find our current Plant Availability List - Yes, we were finally able to put together !  And it will be updated weekly.

We also made a change on the blogsite to make it easier for you to follow us - Look on the right hand side and you will see an with a  quick option to put in your email address.  Once you have done that, you will receive an email verifying your address. Once you have done that, anytime we post, you will receive an up to date email on all our current happenings and plant availability.    Note: We have been told to expect no spam etc from submitting your email addy, and, we are not able to access the information. Your privacy is important to us !

Saturday Morning SUMMER Market
Williams Park, downtown St. Pete, at 1st Avenue north and 3rd street
Market hours 9am - 1pm
Every Saturday through end of August

Mitch Armstrong Nursery is a licensed Tropical Plant Nursery with the state of Florida. We do not have a retail location, our "store" is the Sat. Morning Market!
contact us at:
(note: Can't make market ?  Feel free to call or email us to make an appointment in St. Pete )

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Plant Availability List now available June 25, 2015!

Summer has been a busy time for us and in between rain drops, we have been gathering info to finally be able to have a plant availability list for everyone, that will be updated weekly ! In the list you will find not only rare specimens, but many common variety edibles and butterfly friendly plants that we carry on an on-going basis.

In addition to the Availability list here, Mitch has many other rare plant specimens, too many to list, that he only has a few of, which are available for sale, but you must visit us to see !

Also,  we specialize in 2 other areas, both of which we bring a wide variety to market each week, as well as, they are available for purchase when you visit us.

Tillandsias (Air Plants) - We always have a great variety of Tillys from Central and South America - all different sizes and prices go from $3 up $60 depending on their size and the specimen variety. 

Succulents - This group of plants has become very popular for their ease of growing and the need for very limited watering.  We carry a wide variety of types, colors and textures, and the ones we have are specimens we have found that will do best over the long run.   We have them available in 3, 4 + 6inch pots, as well as hanging baskets.  Typically, prices run from $3 - $25.

Remember, you can find us at St. Pete Saturday Morning Summer Market at Williams Park each Saturday from 9am to 1pm, and if you can't make market, give us a call or email to come visit us !
  727-742-9265  or email us at

Availability List as of June 25, 2015
(please note, if plant is not available now, we have tried to give you an idea of when it will be ready and have noted that in the column).

Plant Name
Notes Price $

Aloe arborescens
3 gallon
Uncommon - super medicinal property, better than Aloe vera - Avail mid July 20
4 inch pot
Dwarf variety from Holland - prolific large red blooms - great house/porch plant 8
3 gallon
Arboricola variegated - nice, multi stemmed - great landscape plant 15
Beauty Berry
3 gallon
Callicarpa americana - Loaded with blooms and berries - hardy native 15
Bird of Paradise
3 gallon
Strelitzia nicolae - "white" Bird - White/purple flowers - multi stemmed - due July 25
Bird of Paradise
3 gallon
Strelitzia reginae - "orange" Bird - White/purple flowers - multi stemmed - due July 20
1 gallon
Brunfelsia americana "Lady of the Night" - rare ! - white, aromatic flowering now 12
Butterfly Wing
8 inch pot
Christia obcordata - rare ! Foilage looks like zebra longwing butterfly 12
4 inch pot
Color Top Cactus - deep purple color - large specimen heads 8
4 inch pot
"Fusion White"   - lovely green/white varigation with purple undersides - New ! 8
Coral Plant
1 gallon
Jatropha mulitifida 7
Coral Plant
3 gallon
Jatropha mulitifida 15
Elephant Ear
1 gallon
Colocasia "Mojito" - deep white/green/black varigation 12
Hanging Bskt
Guatemalense montros - rare, curly leaves 25
False Agave
3 gallon
Furcraea foetida - really nice, multi-pups - soft leaf - due July 1st 30
Floss Silk Tree
3 gallon
Ceila speciosa (aka chrorisa speciosa) - young, 7ft tall - nice ! 25
Gout Plant
1 gallon
Jatropha podagrica - nice! Flowering - Very cool bulbous base 15
Hibiscus ferox
3 gallon
Wercklea ferox - Rare - only 10 avail Aug 1 35
3 gallon
Ixora "Thai Snow" - new hybrid - varigated leaves - white flowering - meant for shade 15
3 gallon
Jatrpha pandurata (aka integerrima) - Butterfly magnet - multi stemmed - plant out 4 ft 15
Lemon Grass
3 gallon
Cymbopogan - giant variety - edible - aromatic 15
Madagascar Palm
4 inch pot
Pachypodium lamerei - gorgeous "baby" specimens - 8 inch tall - summer special  8
Madagascar Palm
7 gallon
Pachypodium lamerei - gorgeous, tall plants - summer special  99
Mexican Sunflower
4 inch pot
Tithonia - large, orange blooms - grows to 6 ft - budding and flowering now 10
3 gallon
Asclepias physocarpa "hairy balls" - Blooming, 6ft tall - due July 1 25
Moringa Tree
3 gallon
Moringa oleifera - great medicinal/healthy edible - Avail Mid July 20
Pagoda Flower
8 inch pot
Clerodendrum paniculum - nice ! -in full bloom - Butterfly and hummingbird magnet 15
3 gallon
Cyperus papyrus - noninvasive clumper- 6ft tall - nice ! 20
Passion vine
3 gallon
Passiflora "Lady Margaret" - flowering now 20
Passion vine
3 gallon
Passiflora alata x caerulea - white/pink/purple flower - due July 1 20
Passion vine
3 gallon
Passiflora edulis "Purple Possem" - due July 1 20
Passion vine
3 gallon
Passiflora vitafolia (red) - due July 1 20
Passion vine
3 gallon
Passiflora quadrangularis - Due Aug 20
Passion vine
3 gallon
Passiflora edulis "yellow fruiting" - avail Aug 1 20
6 inch pot
Pentas landceolata - Red flowering - Blooming now - butterfly magnet 5
Hanging Bskt
New, flat leaf species 25
Rope Hoya
4 inch pot
Hoya carnosa "Hindu Rope Hoya"- rare, varigated type -nice ! 8
1 gallon
Rosmarinus "Tuscan blue" Edible -sun loving - landscape heat & cold hardy 7
Succulent Bowl
14" deco bowl
Mixture of 4-5 succulents in lovely deco planter  15
3 gallon
Heteramolla big soft leaf - gorgeous blue/purple flower 20
Tractor Seat
3 gallon
Farfugum japonicum - green and yellow spotted varieties 1 & 3 gallons 8 to 25
Vanilla orchid
Hanging Bskt
Orchidareae vanilla planifolia - green  leaf + varigated leaf varieties 10

Saturday Morning SUMMER Market
Williams Park, downtown St. Pete, at 1st Avenue north and 3rd street
Market hours 9am - 1pm
Every Saturday through end of August

Mitch Armstrong Nursery is a licensed Tropical Plant Nursery with the state of Florida. We do not have a retail location, our "store" is the Sat. Morning Market!
contact us at:
(note: Can't make market ?  Feel free to call or email us to make an appointment in St. Pete )

Friday, June 19, 2015

Father's Day weekend June 2015

Ah, the lazy days of summer, which means that many of you (and us) are dividing our time between our gardens and our A/C !

Summer is a great time to enjoy our porches and we love to surround ourselves with lots of Garden Art and Expressions.

June also marks a special time when we celebrate Father's Day, and we have some great ideas for Father's Day gifts at market this weekend.

We know many Fathers, as well as Grandfathers, enjoy gardening and although they may not have time for working a large garden, a smaller, special plant is just right - such as our Sucullents and Hoyas.

Everyone loves Garden Chimes and these large Oyster shell hangings are just right for any porch or lanai. Sturdy with a delicate sound, these are very popular with our customers.

Looking around our own garden this week, this double Rangoon Creeper vine is just blooming it's heart out !  Annie was getting a little concerned as the vine was tending to want to cover the side of the house up to the roof, but then it bloomed, and wow, oh wow, not going to touch it till it's done blooming ! Then it will get a nice cut back and we will root the cuttings for future sale.

One of our favorite flowering bushes this time of year is the Pagoda Clerodendron.  Just gorgeous with bright orange tops and large leaves, they are a standout in any landscape.

New this week at market, we are back in stock on "Lady Margaret" Passion Vines - one of our favorites as she blooms year round and the butterflies love her. With a deep Burgundy flower, she provides a punch on any arbor or fence !

Our Butterfly wing plant (Christia obcordata) is finding many good homes with our summer market customers as well as special orders.  We are down to about 8 of this taller variety, with 20 more coming along.  It is amazing how this plant loves our heat and humidity. It just seems to thrive everywhere from sun to shade and is even tolerant of our sandy Florida soil.

And we have a great new selection of Tillandisias (Air Plants) for you to check out and add to your collections, or, start a new one.

We hope you come visit us at Saturday Morning Summer Market this weekend, at Williams Park. Under the towering Oak trees, it is the happening event for Saturday Mornings in our downtown  !

Williams Park is located between 3rd and 4th streets, between 1st and 2nd Avenue north. There is plenty of free parking on surrounding streets and it is a shady, safe place for a nice Sat. morning stroll.  Market hours are 9am - 1pm.
 Saturday Morning SUMMER Market
Williams Park, downtown St. Pete, at 1st Avenue north and 3rd street
Market hours 9am - 1pm
Every Saturday through end of August

Mitch Armstrong Nursery is a licensed Tropical Plant Nursery with the state of Florida. We do not have a retail location, our "store" is the Sat. Morning Market!
contact us at:
(note: Can't make market ?  Feel free to call or email us to make an appointment in St. Pete )

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Edibles in Summer - June Blooming

Greetings all summer gardeners !  The Tampa Bay Times had a great article today about backyard gardening and lots of great edibles that can be grown for the summer. We know many of you are getting more and more into growing edible fruits and veggies to supplement your grocery buying especially as grocery costs continue to spiral up !

Rosemary was one of the plants featured in the article and we could not agree more, it's one of our favorites.  We grow Rosemary for 2 purposes - one, of course, is it's great use in cooking, making teas, infused oils etc.  The second is that it's a great landscape plant being heat and cold hardy.

Rosemary loves sun and good moisture and is very EZ to care for once it is established, with regular fertilization.

You can take tip cuttings or use the whole branch when using it in your cooking. Stripping the leaves off the stem, it is best to cut it up finely when adding it, as is, in cooking (try it on fried potatoes  - see recipe below). If you want to use it to infuse in tea or oils, you can place the whole (or part) of the branch into the liquid.

We primary grow Rosemary in 1 gallon containers and have them weekly at market.

Recipe:  Rosemary potatoes:  prepare Rosemary by chopping up leaves finely.  Dice potatoes and onions (whatever size/type your preference).  Add 2 tablespoon Olive oil to pan and heat up. Add potatoes and onions to the pan and fry on medium for about 10 minutes.  Then add your rosemary and cook another 2 minutes.  You can also do this recipe as a baked dish. Use the same method of baking the onions and potatoes for about 15 minutes, then sprinkle chopped rosemary over top and bake another 5 minutes. It taste great and makes your house smell herby yummy !

Lemon Grass, another featured plant is a great, easy addition to any garden and you can grow it in-ground or in pots.  Loving sun, heat and good moisture, it loves well drained soil, and grows as a clump.  With natural pest-resistant properties, it is also welcomed in the garden for its aroma.  In Asia, field workers regular rub lemon grass on their bodies to help keep skeeters away !  It can be very versatile in the kitchen and there is  ton of great info online for recipes and instructions.  We have them in 1 gallon containers at market.

Peppers are also a easy thing to grow in the summer. They love our heat and the sun.  While they can be grown in-ground, we have found for ourselves, that growing them in pots is easier but you have to provide them some support, such as trellis or bamboo rods, as their stems can get heavy.  We grow a variety of Hot peppers from jalapeno to habanero to scotch bonnets and are always looking for new hybrids to grow.  Typically you can pick peppers at any stage, but as they turn redder (or orange, or even purple!), the hotter they get.  A little bit goes a long way with peppers. The important thing is to pick and use your peppers on a regular basis so that the plant will keep producing.  We always have some type of pepper each week at market, in 1 gallon and 3 gallon containers.

Passion Fruit Vine continue to be a crowd favorite. The Purple Possem Passion Vine we grow its easy to care for once it is established and one plant can produce hundreds of fruits. At present, we are sold out of mature plants and are awaiting the next crop to mature, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

So, lets get caught up on market - here's whats happening around the Park:

We had a great turnout out at the opening day of Summer Saturday Morning Market last weekend at Williams Park and vendors and customers alike loved the shade and coolness of the glorious Oak Trees in the park that kept us all comfortable!  While summer market is smaller, you can still find a great variety of vendors there with lots of great produce, cheeses and breads, ready to eat food, arts and crafts and music and lots of places to sit in the shade and enjoy market.

This week, we continue to have a great selection of new succulents and beautiful tropical foliage plants such as:

We love easy to care for plants and everyone always loves a great plant that can decorate their house, porches and offices.  The Red Anthurium at right, is a dwarf hybrid all the way from Holland. Growing only to about 12 inches high, it produces multiple long lasting flowers.

The middle foliage is the Calathea orbifolia, aka as the Watermelon Leaf plant.  The large leaves have wonderful texture and the pattern looks like a Watermelon.

In the back, is the new Calathea Fusion White - gorgeous variegation and a slight tint of lavender color on the backs of the leaves.

Succulents, succulents everywhere !  EZ to grow, just need watering every 2 to 3 weeks.  We can a wide variety of them and the types we offer are the ones we have found to do the best over a long period.  Mix and match or keep separate, you can leave them, as is, in pots, or mix together in a larger container.

These like bright, indirect light.....sunny windowsills, porches and lanais, sun rooms etc are all perfect spots for them.

The "Haworthia" Succulents are one of our most popular.  With great variegation, texture and growth pattern, they really interesting to watch grow.  They will produce babies around their base.  Being a bit taller than some of our other succulents, they make a great "middle" specimen to surround with other succulents. Although they look "spiny", they are not, and are safe to touch.

Hoyas are one of the most prized groups of plants that are collected by gradening enthusiasts and here we have the lovely variegated Rope Hoya.

Named because of its unusual twisting foliage, it is mainly green and white with tinges of pink on some of the petals.

With maturity, the plant will produce an aromatic bloom.

Rope hoyas have been treasured for years and they last years too! We have heard many of story of plants being passed down in generations.

 We just love these blooming Color Top Cactuses ! Larger than the normal variety you see, they are all beginning to bloom and it's a joy to watch as they slowly unfold their delicate flowers.  Again, easy to care for and will provide great color for long periods.

Our Butterfly wing (Christia obcordata) flew out of our booth at market this past weekend and this weekend at market, we are releasing another dozen plants from our crop !

Here is how to find us !

Saturday Morning Summer Market
Williams Park, downtown St. Pete, at 1st Avenue north and 3rd street
Market hours 9am - 1pm
Every Saturday through end of August

Mitch Armstrong Nursery is a licensed Tropical Plant Nursery with the state of Florida. We do not have a retail location, our "store" is the Sat. Morning Market!
contact us at:
(note: Can't make market ?  Feel free to call or email us to make an appointment in St. Pete )

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Butterfly Wing - Jumping into June !

Well, ahead of schedule, the Butterfly Wing Plant (Christia obcordata) is here and ready to go to loving homes starting this weekend !

Right now, quantity is limited and we are taking reservations for them (thanks to the many who have been emailing about your excitement!)  If you want to reserve your plant for market pickup, or need to pick up at another time, email me at :

We will be bringing reservations plus limited quantity to market this Saturday. During the week, it's best to email us to make an appointment time that is convenient for you.

This Saturday starts the "Summer Market" division of Saturday Morning Market, your favorite local downtown St. Pete market.

The Market is located at Williams Park, whose boundaries are 1st and 2nd avenue North, between 3 & 4th streets.  The Market is located on the north end of the park and Williams Park is a historic location for our hometown and is also known as the Bus Hub but it has this really cool amphitheater area, lots of green grass and  when you are there, you really feel like you are in a Small Town happening.   The market is nestled under towering shady oaks, and winding pathways. It is a safe and convenient location and parking can be easily found along side streets. 

40 plus vendors will be at the market and you can still find great produce, Plants, Arts and Crafts, Food, Fun and Music.

The Summer Market hours are 9am to 1pm.  Most vendors are there by 8am and everyone is happy to stay a bit later if there is still lots of customers milling around !

The beginning of summer always marks a new season of lots of heat and sun and great rain. We always have hardy full sun alternatives for planting as well as for your shade gardens and in-house and patios.  We will continue to have a great selection of Succulents, Air Plants and Garden Art !

A note about our blogspot:  As we head into summer, we will be revamping our Blogspot but it's still a good place to check into every week for our goings on. Remember, you do NOT have to "register" at the blogspot to follow us, just put it in your "favorite places" to visit each week, and you do not have to register in order to email or phone us.  We want to evolve our blogspot into a regular website and we welcome any suggestions, ideas etc that you think would make it more fun for our readers.

so, let's Jump into June and just keep having some gardening fun !

As always, Mitch and I thank you for your support, we would not still be here if it weren't for you !!

Mitch Armstrong Nursery is a licensed Tropical Plant Nursery with the state of Florida. We do not have a retail location, our "store" is the Sat. Morning Market!
contact us at:
(note: Can't make market ?  Feel free to call or email us to make an appointment in St. Pete )